A couple of important notes on the Midterm Exam #2 (which is next week): 1) As I said in class, we will have 4 problems covering 5 chapters (Ch. 16 through 20). Each problem covers material from one of these chapters with one chapter not represented. 2) The problems will be in the same format as seen in the last exam and are a little more involved than the longer problems seen toward the end of last year's Midterm Exam #2 (which I handed out in class yesterday for you to try out). 3) By popular demand, in next week's recitation sections we will discuss material which might appear on the exam. So no group problems next week, just some exam review and a Q/A session. 4) I will print the four problems on the exam on four separate sheets of paper, since most of you indicated you preferred that format to the exam booklet format which we had last time. If you would like the exam booklet format (like we had last time), YOU MUST SPECIFICALLY SEND ME EMAIL (by the end of this weekend, please) asking for it and I'll set it up like the last exam for you. 5) Good news! The class right after our class does not meet on Fridays, so we can extend the exam to 12:55. IF YOU HAVE A CONFLICT BETWEEN 12:30 and 1:00 EMAIL ME IMMEDIATELY SO WE CAN MAKE INDIVIDUAL ARRANGEMENTS. This will give you 80 minutes for the exam, so you won't feel as rushed. The exam starts promptly at 11:35, so don't be late. 6) You can bring in a standard 8.5 x 11 sheet with equations and notes on both sides. Also, bring a calculator.