Welcome to the Fall 2004 edition of Physics 308:
Advanced Classical Mechanics taught by
Froney Crawford. This web page will serve as
the source of information, announcements, and downloads for this
section. Please check it regularly.
The textbook for the course is
Mechanics by John R. Taylor.
Photos of the class can be seen
from the front and the side.
Course for the class are located
at the bottom of the page.
Homework assignments:
Computer Project:
The manual for the computer project, Chaotic Phenomena and the
Pendulum, will be handed out in class
along with auxiliary information from Numerical Recipes
in C, by Press et al. The only electronic files you will
need to get started on the project are the two posted below:
- RKdemo.tru
This is a TrueBasic program which illustrates how 4th-order Runge-Kutta
integration works. No modification is necessary to make it run.
- phspshl.tru
This is a TrueBasic program which is the starting point for the computer
project. You will have to modify one line of this program to make it work,
and you will modify it further in later stages of the project to get the
program to model different kinds of pendulum behavior.
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